THE NOREB SUMMIT Governor Uasin Gishu County H.E-JACKSON-KIPLAGAT-MANDAGO EGH Governor Baringo County H.E-STANLEY-K-KIPTIS Governor Elgeyo Marakwet County H.E-ENG. ALEX TANUI TOLGOS,EGH Governor Nandi County H.E STEPHEN KIPYEGO SANG Governor Samburu County H.E-MOSES-KASAINIE-LENOLKULAL Governor Trans Nzoia County H.E PATRICK SIMIYU KHAEMBA, CBS Governor West Pokot County H.E-HON.-PROF.-JOHN-KROP-LONYANGAPUO-CBS Governor Turkana County H.E-HON.-JOSPHAT KOLI NANOK , EGH County Assembly Speakers Forum THE NOREB SECRETARIAT